
Showing posts from July, 2015

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Ekonomi AS Tumbuh 2,3 Persen dari April Hingga Juni - VOA Indonesia

WASHINGTON— Ekonomi AS menguat hingga 2,3 persen pada bulan April hingga Juni setelah musim dingin yang buruk. Departemen Perdagangan melaporkan hari Kamis (30/7) bahwa peningkatan daya beli konsumen dan keuntungan ekspor baru mendorong ekonomi terbesar dunia ini pada kwartal kedua. Pemerintah juga mengatakan PDB pada periode bulan Januari hingga Maret tumbuh 0,6 persen dan dan bukan menurun 0,2 persen. Pertumbuhan kwartal kedua dipicu oleh kenaikan daya beli konsumen AS yang kuat, yang menyumbang 70 persen ekonomi negara tersebut, meningkat 2,9 persen dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan 1,8 persen pada periode Januari hingga Maret. Ekspor pulih Ada juga perubahan besar dalam bidang ekspor, yang buruk pada kwartal pertama akibat penurunan kegiatan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan Pesisir Barat. Ekspor barang dan jasa meningkat 5,3 persen pada kwartal kedua setelah turun tajam 6,0 persen pada kwartal pertama. Peti kemas kargo menimbun di Pelabuhan Los

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Ekonomi AS Tumbuh 2,3 Persen dari April Hingga Juni - VOA Indonesia

WASHINGTON— Ekonomi AS menguat hingga 2,3 persen pada bulan April hingga Juni setelah musim dingin yang buruk. Departemen Perdagangan melaporkan hari Kamis (30/7) bahwa peningkatan daya beli konsumen dan keuntungan ekspor baru mendorong ekonomi terbesar dunia ini pada kwartal kedua. Pemerintah juga mengatakan PDB pada periode bulan Januari hingga Maret tumbuh 0,6 persen dan dan bukan menurun 0,2 persen. Pertumbuhan kwartal kedua dipicu oleh kenaikan daya beli konsumen AS yang kuat, yang menyumbang 70 persen ekonomi negara tersebut, meningkat 2,9 persen dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan 1,8 persen pada periode Januari hingga Maret. Ekspor pulih Ada juga perubahan besar dalam bidang ekspor, yang buruk pada kwartal pertama akibat penurunan kegiatan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan Pesisir Barat. Ekspor barang dan jasa meningkat 5,3 persen pada kwartal kedua setelah turun tajam 6,0 persen pada kwartal pertama. Peti kemas kargo menimbun di Pelabuhan Los

Lowongan Kerja:Kemenkes Buka Lowongan Dokter Puskesmas, Gaji Rp 7,85 Juta Per Bulan - Tribun Pekanbaru

TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM , JAKARTA - Kementerian Kesehatan memberikan peluang bagi lulusan kedokteran maupun kedokteran gigi sebagai pegawai tidak tetap (PTT) Setidaknya dibutuhkan 1.780 PTT untuk tahun 2015 ini dan yang dinyatakan lolos akan ditempatkan di Puskesmas yang berada di daerah terpencil dan sangat terpencil ini di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Bagi dokter dan dokter gigi yang ditempatkan sebagai dokter PTT akan diberikan gaji dan insentif sebesar Rp 5,4 juta per bulan untuk daerah terpencil dan sebesar Rp 7,85 juta per bulan untuk daerah sangat terpencil. Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online tanggal 31 Juli – 11 Agustus 2015 melalui website "Syaratnya yang bersangkutan merupakan Warga Negara Indonesia, serta bersedia ditugaskan di fasilitas kesehatan kriteria terpencil dan sangat terpencil dengan lama penugasan selama 2 (dua) tahun," kata Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Kesehatan drg. Murti Utami, MP

Job fair for A.C. call center scheduled Aug. 6 - Press of Atlantic City

A job fair for the new Atlantic City Contact Center will be held Aug. 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You must login to view the full content on this page. Or, use your linked account: © 2015 Press of Atlantic City. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service - if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Put the internet to work for you. Delete or edit this Recipe

Job fair set for downtown Courtyard by Marriott -

Room 100 at America's Center downtown will be a hiring hall next Wednesday for people who want a job at the former Lennox Hotel, which will reopen next month as a Courtyard by Marriott. The Courtyard is adjacent to the convention center on Washington Avenue. It's scheduled to open Sept. 2. Hotel officials plan to fill as many as 48 jobs. Needed are room attendants, bartenders, baristas, housepersons, cooks, security officers and front desk agents. The job fair is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday at America's Center. Applicants may call 314-754-7005 for more information. Opened as the Lennox, the 24-story hotel will reopen on what the owners said will be its 86th anniversary. The hotel opened in 1929 was known as the Renaissance Suites when it closed in 2011. When it reopens in September, the historic hotel will carry the Courtyard by Marriott flag. Hotel investment firm Maritz, Wolff & Co. paid $3.6 million for the hote

Miscommunication leads to Englewood job fair debacle - WLS-TV

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Miscommunication led to a debacle at a job fair on Chicago's South Side Thursday. Hundreds of people waited in line - some overnight- for a chance to apply for a $25/hour job with Norfolk Southern Railroad after a flyer was blasted on social media, advertising a "hiring event" in Englewood. Shaun Dotson was one of the job seekers who lined up overnight at Goodwill Workforce Connections Center for the advertised job fair. "They're paying $25 an hour. That could change your life," Dotson said. Hundreds of others joined Dotson in line before the doors opened Thursday morning. "I came here this morning. There had to be, like, a thousand people just on this street alone, going around the building, going around the block," Bryant Walker said. However, Norfolk Southern said no jobs were currently open... yet. The crowd became so big and boisterous a woman at the recruiting center called

Lowongan Kerja:Mall 'City Walk' Siapkan Lowongan Ratusan Naker - Kedaulatan Rakyat

SALATIGA ( - Warga di Salatiga boleh lega, lantaran dalam waktu dekat segera dibangun Mall City Walk Salatiga yang ternyata bisa menyediakan lowongan pekerjaan untuk ratusan tenaga lokal di Salatiga. Mall ini akan dimulai peletakan batu pertama pada bulan September 2015 dan sedikitnya 800 orang bisa bekerja mencari nafkah. Investor City Walk Salatiga, Nurwanto H kepada, Jumat (31/7/2015) petang mengatakan pihaknya berjanji akan memprioritaskan tenaga lokal sekitar mall dan melebar untuk warga Salatiga agar bisa bekerja. "Paling tidak kami membuka kesempatan kerja sedikitnya 800 tenaga untuk operasional mall yang bekerja sama dengan perusahaan nasional untuk meramaikan Mall di Salatiga ini. Mohon dukungan warga dan pemerintah daerah agar berjalan lancar," tandas Nurwanto. Investasi yang digelontorkan ke Salatiga ini, menurut Nurwanto tidak tanggung-tanggung , yakni sebesar Rp 100 miliar lebih. Investasi ini belum

Lowongan Kerja:Kemenkes Buka Lowongan Dokter Puskesmas, Gaji Rp 7,85 Juta Per Bulan - Tribun Pekanbaru

TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM , JAKARTA - Kementerian Kesehatan memberikan peluang bagi lulusan kedokteran maupun kedokteran gigi sebagai pegawai tidak tetap (PTT) Setidaknya dibutuhkan 1.780 PTT untuk tahun 2015 ini dan yang dinyatakan lolos akan ditempatkan di Puskesmas yang berada di daerah terpencil dan sangat terpencil ini di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Bagi dokter dan dokter gigi yang ditempatkan sebagai dokter PTT akan diberikan gaji dan insentif sebesar Rp 5,4 juta per bulan untuk daerah terpencil dan sebesar Rp 7,85 juta per bulan untuk daerah sangat terpencil. Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online tanggal 31 Juli – 11 Agustus 2015 melalui website "Syaratnya yang bersangkutan merupakan Warga Negara Indonesia, serta bersedia ditugaskan di fasilitas kesehatan kriteria terpencil dan sangat terpencil dengan lama penugasan selama 2 (dua) tahun," kata Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Kesehatan drg. Murti Utami, MP

Job fair for A.C. call center scheduled Aug. 6 - Press of Atlantic City

A job fair for the new Atlantic City Contact Center will be held Aug. 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You must login to view the full content on this page. Or, use your linked account: © 2015 Press of Atlantic City. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service - if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Put the internet to work for you. Delete or edit this Recipe

Miscommunication leads to Englewood job fair debacle - WLS-TV

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Miscommunication led to a debacle at a job fair on Chicago's South Side Thursday. Hundreds of people waited in line - some overnight- for a chance to apply for a $25/hour job with Norfolk Southern Railroad after a flyer was blasted on social media, advertising a "hiring event" in Englewood. Shaun Dotson was one of the job seekers who lined up overnight at Goodwill Workforce Connections Center for the advertised job fair. "They're paying $25 an hour. That could change your life," Dotson said. Hundreds of others joined Dotson in line before the doors opened Thursday morning. "I came here this morning. There had to be, like, a thousand people just on this street alone, going around the building, going around the block," Bryant Walker said. However, Norfolk Southern said no jobs were currently open... yet. The crowd became so big and boisterous a woman at the recruiting center called

Job fair set for downtown Courtyard by Marriott -

Room 100 at America's Center downtown will be a hiring hall next Wednesday for people who want a job at the former Lennox Hotel, which will reopen next month as a Courtyard by Marriott. The Courtyard is adjacent to the convention center on Washington Avenue. It's scheduled to open Sept. 2. Hotel officials plan to fill as many as 48 jobs. Needed are room attendants, bartenders, baristas, housepersons, cooks, security officers and front desk agents. The job fair is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday at America's Center. Applicants may call 314-754-7005 for more information. Opened as the Lennox, the 24-story hotel will reopen on what the owners said will be its 86th anniversary. The hotel opened in 1929 was known as the Renaissance Suites when it closed in 2011. When it reopens in September, the historic hotel will carry the Courtyard by Marriott flag. Hotel investment firm Maritz, Wolff & Co. paid $3.6 million for the hote

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Ekonomi AS Tumbuh 2,3 Persen dari April Hingga Juni - VOA Indonesia

WASHINGTON— Ekonomi AS menguat hingga 2,3 persen pada bulan April hingga Juni setelah musim dingin yang buruk. Departemen Perdagangan melaporkan hari Kamis (30/7) bahwa peningkatan daya beli konsumen dan keuntungan ekspor baru mendorong ekonomi terbesar dunia ini pada kwartal kedua. Pemerintah juga mengatakan PDB pada periode bulan Januari hingga Maret tumbuh 0,6 persen dan dan bukan menurun 0,2 persen. Pertumbuhan kwartal kedua dipicu oleh kenaikan daya beli konsumen AS yang kuat, yang menyumbang 70 persen ekonomi negara tersebut, meningkat 2,9 persen dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan 1,8 persen pada periode Januari hingga Maret. Ekspor pulih Ada juga perubahan besar dalam bidang ekspor, yang buruk pada kwartal pertama akibat penurunan kegiatan di pelabuhan-pelabuhan Pesisir Barat. Ekspor barang dan jasa meningkat 5,3 persen pada kwartal kedua setelah turun tajam 6,0 persen pada kwartal pertama. Peti kemas kargo menimbun di Pelabuhan Los

Lowongan Kerja:Kemenkes Buka Lowongan Dokter Puskesmas, Gaji Rp 7,85 Juta Per Bulan - Tribun Pekanbaru

TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM , JAKARTA - Kementerian Kesehatan memberikan peluang bagi lulusan kedokteran maupun kedokteran gigi sebagai pegawai tidak tetap (PTT) Setidaknya dibutuhkan 1.780 PTT untuk tahun 2015 ini dan yang dinyatakan lolos akan ditempatkan di Puskesmas yang berada di daerah terpencil dan sangat terpencil ini di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Bagi dokter dan dokter gigi yang ditempatkan sebagai dokter PTT akan diberikan gaji dan insentif sebesar Rp 5,4 juta per bulan untuk daerah terpencil dan sebesar Rp 7,85 juta per bulan untuk daerah sangat terpencil. Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online tanggal 31 Juli – 11 Agustus 2015 melalui website "Syaratnya yang bersangkutan merupakan Warga Negara Indonesia, serta bersedia ditugaskan di fasilitas kesehatan kriteria terpencil dan sangat terpencil dengan lama penugasan selama 2 (dua) tahun," kata Kepala Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Kesehatan drg. Murti Utami, MP

Job fair for A.C. call center scheduled Aug. 6 - Press of Atlantic City

A job fair for the new Atlantic City Contact Center will be held Aug. 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. You must login to view the full content on this page. Or, use your linked account: © 2015 Press of Atlantic City. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS service - if this is your content and you're reading it on someone else's site, please read the FAQ at Put the internet to work for you. Delete or edit this Recipe

Miscommunication leads to Englewood job fair debacle - WLS-TV

CHICAGO (WLS) -- Miscommunication led to a debacle at a job fair on Chicago's South Side Thursday. Hundreds of people waited in line - some overnight- for a chance to apply for a $25/hour job with Norfolk Southern Railroad after a flyer was blasted on social media, advertising a "hiring event" in Englewood. Shaun Dotson was one of the job seekers who lined up overnight at Goodwill Workforce Connections Center for the advertised job fair. "They're paying $25 an hour. That could change your life," Dotson said. Hundreds of others joined Dotson in line before the doors opened Thursday morning. "I came here this morning. There had to be, like, a thousand people just on this street alone, going around the building, going around the block," Bryant Walker said. However, Norfolk Southern said no jobs were currently open... yet. The crowd became so big and boisterous a woman at the recruiting center called

Job fair set for downtown Courtyard by Marriott -

Room 100 at America's Center downtown will be a hiring hall next Wednesday for people who want a job at the former Lennox Hotel, which will reopen next month as a Courtyard by Marriott. The Courtyard is adjacent to the convention center on Washington Avenue. It's scheduled to open Sept. 2. Hotel officials plan to fill as many as 48 jobs. Needed are room attendants, bartenders, baristas, housepersons, cooks, security officers and front desk agents. The job fair is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday at America's Center. Applicants may call 314-754-7005 for more information. Opened as the Lennox, the 24-story hotel will reopen on what the owners said will be its 86th anniversary. The hotel opened in 1929 was known as the Renaissance Suites when it closed in 2011. When it reopens in September, the historic hotel will carry the Courtyard by Marriott flag. Hotel investment firm Maritz, Wolff & Co. paid $3.6 million for the hote