
Showing posts from September, 2016

Dua Hari Lowongan Sekda Batam Dibuka, Peminatnya Masih ... - Tribun Batam

Tribun Batam Dua Hari Lowongan Sekda Batam Dibuka, Peminatnya Masih ... Tribun Batam Termasuk Staf Ahli Bagian Politik, Hukum, dan Pemerintah Kota Batam, Jefridin, yang dikabarkan calon kuat, hingga kemarin belum mendaftar. and more » Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Dua Calo TKI yang Sering Posting Lowongan Kerja di Malaysia via ... - Tribun Batam

Tribun Batam Dua Calo TKI yang Sering Posting Lowongan Kerja di Malaysia via ... Tribun Batam Menurut Yanto, sebagai imbalan, dia meminta kepada setiap calon TKI Rp 1 juta yang disebutkan biaya administrasi. and more » Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Sexy Maids Booted Out of College Job Fair | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth - NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

Students go to college to try to find better career opportunities, but a business that showed up at Marshall University's job fair Wednesday was not exactly what the school or most students have in mind. "I'm just offended," sophomore Isabella Kouns said. "As a woman, I'm offended." Kouns went to Marshall's Job-A-Palooza in the Student Center looking to find an internship or part-time job, but one of the tables she stopped at was offering the last type of job she expected. "I was honestly shocked and disgusted," she said. She was given a card for Dust Bunny Maid Service. The $25 per hour line on the card piqued her curiosity, so she went to their website. "I checked it out, and it ended up being a website where'd I'd have to clean in sexy outfits," she said. For more, visit at 4:39 PM GMT on Sep 30, 2016 | at 4:40 PM GMT on Sep 30, 2016 Let's block ads

Wilmington Mall Holds Holiday Job Fair - WWAY NewsChannel 3

(Photo: WWAY) WILMINGTON, NC (WWAY) — With the holiday season right around the corner, stores everywhere are looking to bring in some extra help. Today, the Independence Mall found that help thanks to a holiday job fair. Over 200 people stopped by the holiday job fair to apply for mall positions this afternoon at the Independence Mall here in Wilmington. Justice, JC Penny and Forever 21 are among the stores that are offering positions for the holiday season. Applicants like Lydia Manning came in to apply and hopefully land a new job. "There's people that are hiring and I'd like to let them know that I exist and would like to work with them," said Manning, "I do not have a job and I need one." There were over 200 positions that were made available by stores at the fair today. The job fair was a way for people to come in, get a new job and make some extra cash this holiday season. If you missed the j

More than 130 employers hold job fair at BridgeValley - West Virginia MetroNews

SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. — U.S. Senator Joe Manchin wants state residents to know there are good paying jobs in West Virginia, despite numerous job losses in the coal industry and after the June flood. "There's opportunities all over our state. There really is and I don't want anyone to give up. I don't want anybody to leave our state. I want people to know that their families have opportunities here," Manchin (D-W.Va.) told MetroNews. More than 130 employers were in Kanawha County Friday for the Regional Job and Resource Fair at BridgeValley Community and Technical College. Job seekers had the opportunity to speak with employers from across the region, including Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Lowes, UPS, West Virginia State Police, Charleston Area Medical Center, Toyota, several restaurants and much more. Manchin hosted job fairs in Logan and Martinsburg this past month and said many people looking for work were hired. "

Military job fair aimed at helping veterans after service - WWAY NewsChannel 3

CAMP LEJEUNE, NC (WWAY) – The Marine Corps Community Services, Lejeune-New River will host a career fair Wednesday, October 5, 2016, from 10am-2pm at the Marston Pavilion, MCB Camp Lejeune. Organizers say the career fair is for service members who are seeking job opportunities beyond their military career. They plan to have more than 100 employers looking to hire in various occupational fields nationwide. Participants need to prepare for onsite interviews, dress to impress, and have their resumes ready for employers. MCCS Lejeune-New River encourages all military service members to begin their career explorations early. "Whether you are getting out in 2 months or 12 months, we encourage all our Service Members and their spouses to attend this Career Fair, so that they can discover all of the opportunities available as they transition," says Dan Cooper, Transition Readiness Advisor Superviosr, MCCS Lejeune-New River. The

Ada 3.400 Lowongan, Hari Pertama Sudah 1.000 Pendaftar - Manado Post online

Manado Post online Ada 3.400 Lowongan , Hari Pertama Sudah 1.000 Pendaftar Manado Post online BUKA PELUANG: Pembukaan Job Matching oleh Asisten I Setprov Sulut John Palandung didampingi Kadis Diknas Asiano Gammy Kawatu, Kadis Diknas Manado Corry Tendean, Kepala SMK 3 Manado Jenner Rumerung, serta perwakilan Direktorat ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Lowongan Kerja Bank BCA - Horas Sumut News

Lowongan Kerja Bank BCA Horas Sumut News Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bank BCA - Assalamu'alaikum, Selamat Pagi sedulur semua para pencari Loker ( Lowongan Kerja) yang berbahagia. Bagaimana kabar anda pagi hari ini, semoga sekeluarga dalam keadaan sehat selalu. Pada pagi hari ini admin ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Lowongan Kerja:Penipu Terduga Berkedok Lowongan Kerja Mengaku Perusahaannya Terdaftar di Kemenakertrans -

JAKARTA, - Salah satu terduga pelaku penipuan berkedok lowongan kerja, Ledi (40), mengatakan PT Trinanda Bayo Perkasa, perusahaan penyalur tenaga kerja yang didirikannya memiliki legalitas usaha. Ledi menyatakan perusahaan tersebut terdaftar di Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan serta sering membantu sejumlah perusahaan ternama untuk mencari karyawan-karyawan untuk dipekerjakan di perusahaan mereka. "Seluruh aspek legal kami kantongi. Kami hanya pelaksana saja, masih ada perusahaan besar yang jadi kantor pusat," ujar Ledi, di Mapolres Jakarta Utara, Jumat (30/9/2016). Ledi mengungkapkan, apa yang dilakukannya bukanlah penipuan. Namun, saat ditanyakan nama perusahaan serta jumla h karyawan yang masuk ke dalam perusahaan besar dari PT Trinanda, Ledi tak bisa menjawab. "Sebulan pasti ada," ujar Ledi. Kasat Reskrim Polres Jakarta Utara, AKBP Yuldi Yusman menyampaikan, pihaknya masih menyelidiki terkait status perusahaan tersebut. P

Penipu Terduga Berkedok Lowongan Kerja Mengaku Perusahaannya Terdaftar di Kemenakertrans -

Image Penipu Terduga Berkedok Lowongan Kerja Mengaku Perusahaannya Terdaftar di Kemenakertrans Jajaran Polres Jakarta Utara mengamankan Fandi (24), Sheylla (28), Lindsay (36), dan Ledi (40), terduga pelaku penipuan berkedok lowongan kerja diamankan jajaran Polres Jakarta Utara, saat menjalankan aksinya di Jalan Dewi Sartika, Jakarta Timur, ... and more » Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Company that employs 'sexy maids' booted from university job fair ... - News3LV

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (NBC News) — Students go to college to try to find better career opportunities, but a business that showed up at Marshall University's job fair Wednesday was not exactly what the school or most students have in mind. "I'm just offended," sophomore Isabella Kouns said. "As a woman, I'm offended." Kouns went to Marshall's Job-A-Palooza in the Student Center looking to find an internship or part-time job, but one of the tables she stopped at was offering the last type of job she expected. "I was honestly shocked and disgusted," she said. She was given a card for Dust Bunny Maid Service. The $25 per hour line on the card piqued her curiosity, so she went to their website. "I checked it out, and it ended up being a website where'd I'd have to clean in sexy outfits," she said. Read more here . Let's block ads! (Why?)

Ada 3.400 Lowongan, Hari Pertama Sudah 1.000 Pendaftar - Manado Post online

Manado Post online Ada 3.400 Lowongan , Hari Pertama Sudah 1.000 Pendaftar Manado Post online BUKA PELUANG: Pembukaan Job Matching oleh Asisten I Setprov Sulut John Palandung didampingi Kadis Diknas Asiano Gammy Kawatu, Kadis Diknas Manado Corry Tendean, Kepala SMK 3 Manado Jenner Rumerung, serta perwakilan Direktorat ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Nih Ada Lowongan, Dokter Umum Digaji Rp 12 Juta Per Bulan - Kaltim Post

Nih Ada Lowongan , Dokter Umum Digaji Rp 12 Juta Per Bulan Kaltim Post PROKAL.CO, SANGATTA – Dinas Kesehatan (Diskes) Kutim berencana meresmikan RS Pratama Sangkulirang pada Kamis (27/10) mendatang. Saat ini, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (DPU) Kutim sedang memperbaiki beberapa kerusakan bangunan, semisal ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

12:38 Unit Pelayanan AGD DKI Buka Lowongan Non PNS - Berita Jakarta

Berita Jakarta 12:38 Unit Pelayanan AGD DKI Buka Lowongan Non PNS Berita Jakarta Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) Unit Pelayanan Ambulans Gawat Darurat (AGD) Dinas Kesehatan DKI Jakarta membuka lowongan kerja untuk Pegawai Non Pegawai Negeri Sipil Unit Pelayanan ADG tahun anggaran 2016. " Untuk perawat ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Stripes holds job fair for new Seguin location - Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

  More than 100 people walked in and out of the local Alamo Workforce Solutions Thursday hoping for a fresh start with a new company coming to Seguin — Stripes. Stripes, which also has it's own restaurant, Laredo Taco Company, held a job fair hosted by Seguin Workforce Solutions Center.  "This was the second event we hosted for Stripes and we were pleased with the turn-out as job seekers came in steadily throughout the day," Seguin Workforce Solutions Center Business Solutions Representative Michelle Martin said.   Among the job seekers looking to work with Stripes was Luling resident Cassandra Adeyemi. She said because the company was new to the area, she thought it would provide new and better opportunities. "I worked with a new company before — Cornerstore ... and they were pretty good," she said. "I figured it'd be like that, if not better. I'm interested in seeing how it works. A new experience, a

Oshkosh Defense is holding a job fair this weekend to help fill more than 300 jobs. -

Published 09/30 2016 07:56AM Updated 09/30 2016 07:56AM Oshkosh Defense is holding a job fair this weekend to help fill more than 300 jobs. They are looking for help in general manufacturing, assembling, welding, paint and prep. The company says job offers will be extended during the fair. The job fair is taking place Saturday morning from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. at the UW Oshkosh Alumni Center. The company is looking for more employees to fill contract orders for contract orders for the Oshkosh Defense MRAP All-Terrain Vehicles (M-ATV) Multi-Mission Family of Vehicles and U.S. Army Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) trucks and trailers orders.   Copyright 2016 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Let's block ads! (Why?) Put the internet to work for you.