Playland job fair set for Jan. 13, offers on the spot interviews - The Journal News |


Opening day at Rye Playland on Mother's Day, May 14, 2017. Tania Savayan/lohud

Want to work at Playland? Here's your chance. The amusement park will hold a job fair at the Westchester County Center on Jan. 13.

The first 300 applicants who attend the fair will be interviewed on the spot.

Seasonal positions include: cashiers, rides, park management (operations), lifeguards, information technology, marketing, graphic artists, electricians, carpenters, painters, plumbers, custodial, mechanics, and EMTs.

Job seekers should bring Social Security card, valid photo ID and three references. Applicants ages 16-17 who plan to complete their application at the fair must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Eligible applicants who want to enroll in Westchester County Payroll Direct Deposit as their form of payment, must bring either a blank voided check or a bank issued Direct Deposit Set Up Form which includes their routing number and account number printed on the document.

The job fair will run from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 13. For more information, including application forms, visit

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