Thousands taking advantage of Montgomery Regional Job Fair - WSFA


Thousands of job seekers have flooded to the Montgomery Regional Job Fair at the Cramton Bowl Multiplex in Montgomery. This is a chance for those looking for work or a new job to meet more than 120 prospective employers.

There are currently around 1,800 job openings throughout the River Region. Most of them, however, are in Montgomery.

Dawn Ward, of Union Springs, decided to join the workforce after some time off.

"I like to work. I like to be around people," said Ward.

Ward admitted that taking the first step was a bit nerve-wracking because it's been six years since she's had a full-time job with benefits. WSFA, the Alabama Department of Labor and the City of Montgomery sponsored the job fair.

"I try to keep my faith in God, so I try not to worry about the future because I know He has me in His hands," said Ward.

Ward will consider just about anything but thinks she has an interest in corrections or with the Alabama State Department of Transportation.

"Something I can stay with the next 20 years, maybe?" Ward said.

The job fair isn't just for those unemployed but also for those who have a job, and are looking for something better.

Long before the doors opened, there was a long line of people waiting to get inside. Just in the first hour, more than a thousand job seekers showed up.

By the time it all ended, 3,000 turned out and right there in the middle of it all was Dawn Ward, who was hoping for the best.

Ward later told us she didn't land a job but left the job fair mighty encouraged after talking with more than 10 prospective employers. Two of the 10 said they would be in touch, according to Ward.

Copyright 2016 WSFA 12 News. All rights reserved.

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