
Showing posts from July, 2016

Garuda Indonesia Buka Lowongan Kerja, Cek Syaratnya - Redaksi

Garuda Indonesia Buka Lowongan Kerja, Cek Syaratnya Redaksi Maskapai penerbangan milik pemerintah, Garuda Indonesia terus meningkatkan pelayanan dan reputasinya di dunia penerbangan. Saat ini, Garuda Indonesia menjadi partner utama pemerintah Indonesia dalam meningkatkan kunjungan turis ke Indonesia. and more » Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Cari Pengganti Sri Mulyani, Bank Dunia Buka Lowongan - News Portal

Image News Portal Cari Pengganti Sri Mulyani, Bank Dunia Buka Lowongan News Portal Presiden Joko Widodo didampingi Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla saat mengumumkan perombakan kabinet atau reshuffle jilid II, Jakarta, 27 Juli 2016. Dalam reshuffle jilid II ini tampak nama Sri Mulyani yang kembali mendapat mandat menjadi Menteri ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Di Samarinda, Tiap Bulan Ada 200 Lowongan Baru - Kaltim Post

Kaltim Post Di Samarinda, Tiap Bulan Ada 200 Lowongan Baru Kaltim Post " Lowongan kerja terbuka lebar. Kalau mau usaha dan gigih pasti dapat kerja," tegas Wahyono ketika ditemui di ruang kerjanya beberapa waktu lalu. Dia mengatakan, job market fair rutin digelar tiap tahun. Lowongan yang tersedia berjumlah ribuan. Khusus ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Lowongan Kerja:Di Samarinda, Tiap Bulan Ada 200 Lowongan Baru - Kaltim Post

SAMARINDA – Selain banjir dan kemacetan, problematika lain yang kini dihadapi warga Samarinda adalah sulitnya mencari lapangan kerja. Tak ayal, banyak pencari kerja yang merasa tertekan dan putus asa, bahkan berujung stres. Derita ini mayoritas dialami pencari kerja fresh graduate . Kabid Penempatan dan Perluasan Kerja, Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) Samarinda Wahyono HP, membantah lapangan kerja di Kota Tepian sulit. Menurutnya, lapangan kerja di ibu kota Kaltim tersedia melimpah. Bahkan, tiap tahun event job market fair yang digelar Dinas Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Disnakertrans) Kaltim, banyak menyediakan lapangan kerja. "Lowongan kerja terbuka lebar. Kalau mau usaha dan gigih pasti dapat kerja," tegas Wahyono ketika ditemui di ruang kerjanya beberapa waktu lalu. Dia mengatakan, job market fair rutin digelar tiap tahun. Lowongan yang tersedia berjumlah ribuan. Khusus 2016, sudah terdaftar 75 perusahaan yang membuka stan lowonga...

Lowongan Kerja:Pemprov DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja di TPST Bantargebang - Harian Terbit

Bekasi, HanTer - Sedikitnya 500 orang mengajukan surat lamaran kepada Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta untuk menjadi pekerja di Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) Bantargebang sejak diberlakukannya swakelola pada Senin (25/7/2016). "Hingga saat ini Dinas Kebersihan DKI masih melakukan pendataan terhadap ratusan mantan pegawai pengelola lama PT Godang Tua Jaya dan PT Navigat Organic Energy Indonesia (NOEI) untuk direkrut sebagai pegawai," kata Kepala Unit Pengelola Sampah Terpadu (UPST) Bantargebang, Asep Kuswanto di Bekasi, Minggu (31/7/2016). Menurut dia, TPST Bantargebang, Kota Bekasi, saat ini membutuhkan ratusan tenaga kerja untuk mengolah sampah yang jumlahnya mencapai 7.000 ton per hari. Ratusan tenaga kerja ini, ditugaskan untuk mengoperasikan puluhan alat berat, teknisi, bagian daur ulang sampah plastik, pembuatan kompos, bagian mesin pembangkit listrik dan sebagainya. "Kami perkirakan ada sekitar 400 pegawai yang ak an...

Pemprov DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja di TPST Bantargebang - Harian Terbit

Harian Terbit Pemprov DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja di TPST Bantargebang Harian Terbit Bekasi, HanTer - Sedikitnya 500 orang mengajukan surat lamaran kepada Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta untuk menjadi pekerja di Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) Bantargebang sejak diberlakukannya swakelola pada Senin (25/7/2016). and more » Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Pemprov DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja di TPST Bantargebang - Harian Terbit

Pemprov DKI Buka Lowongan Kerja di TPST Bantargebang Harian Terbit Bekasi, HanTer - Sedikitnya 500 orang mengajukan surat lamaran kepada Dinas Kebersihan DKI Jakarta untuk menjadi pekerja di Tempat Pengolahan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) Bantargebang sejak diberlakukannya swakelola pada Senin (25/7/2016). and more » Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

More than 225 jobs available at job fair -

Hospitality Services Group is looking to fill 227 jobs, including 100 in Northwest Indiana, at a job fair in Highland Monday. The other 127 positions are in Illinois, in the Chicago area. Hospitality Services Group is hiring line cooks, housekeepers, janitors, bartenders, banquet servers, dishwashers, cashiers and van drivers. The jobs pay $10 to $15 an hour. "We're hiring because of our growth with our partnership with a major hotel chain with more 200 locations," President Dan Keris said. "We're expanding into other markets across the United States, as well as Indiana." Both full- and part-time jobs are available. Scheduling is flexible, and Hospitality Services Group will provide transportation from Northwest Indiana to some of the jobs at Chicago hotels. "Our biggest challenge is identifying people who will stay consistent to the schedule they choose," Director of Operations Tamara...

Community invited to free job fair in New Caney area Aug. 4 - Your ... - Your Houston News

Offering job seekers the opportunity to sit in front an employer to interview and apply for jobs throughout the community will be offered for residents during the Mission Northeast and RB Tullis Library free Job Fair Aug. 4 at 10:30 a.m. This is the fourth year for the Job Fair which is held twice a year. "We are always excited about the Job Fair which is a community service and have found that holding the fair at this time of year is very successful," Pam Dickson, executive director of Mission Northeast, said. "We encourage any job seekers to come out to the fair dressed with the resumes and in clothing appropriate for an interview. "With our Job Fair, we are proud that our employers are face-to-face with employees and that does not happen very often because of technology and then they can go upstairs where they can apply for the job; job seekers will be hired through this fair." A bevy of employers from the area hav...

OdySea Aquarium holding job fair, other companies hiring hundreds - ABC15 Arizona

Need a job? Companies in the Valley have hundreds of open positions.Check out the list below to see if any of them fit your skill set. OdySea Aquarium  Slated to open late summer 2016 in Scottsdale, OdySea Aquarium will be the largest aquarium in the Southwest. To fill the positions, there is a job fair being held at Butterfly Wonderland scheduled for Monday, August 1 from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm. The company is looking for 50 workers and more than 100 volunteers. Applicants are encouraged to bring copies of their resume. For more information, click here .    IF YOU GO: 9500 E. Via de Ventura, Scottsdale, AZ is holding its Phoenix job fair on Tuesday, August 23 from 10 am to 1 pm at the Phoenix Airport Hilton. Several companies in the Phoenix area are hiring for hundreds of positions. RSVP here .   IF YOU GO: 2435 S 47th St. Phoenix, AZ   AEG Facilities AEG Facilities, the management company of Gila River ...

Community invited to free job fair in New Caney area Aug. 4 - Your Houston News

Offering job seekers the opportunity to sit in front an employer to interview and apply for jobs throughout the community will be offered for residents during the Mission Northeast and RB Tullis Library free Job Fair Aug. 4 at 10:30 a.m. This is the fourth year for the Job Fair which is held twice a year. "We are always excited about the Job Fair which is a community service and have found that holding the fair at this time of year is very successful," Pam Dickson, executive director of Mission Northeast, said. "We encourage any job seekers to come out to the fair dressed with the resumes and in clothing appropriate for an interview. "With our Job Fair, we are proud that our employers are face-to-face with employees and that does not happen very often because of technology and then they can go upstairs where they can apply for the job; job seekers will be hired through this fair." A bevy of employers from the area hav...

saya lagi mencari lowongan kerja - Tribun Medan

Tribun Medan saya lagi mencari lowongan kerja Tribun Medan keahlian mengoprasikan komputer, pernah bekerja dalam bidang teknik sipil dan industri, dan perna bekerja di suatu perusahaan Suplier/Leveransir dan di utus sebagai tenaga ahli dalam pengurusan berita acara ke perkebunan, pengurusan mengerjakan ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe