
Showing posts from October, 2017

Lowongan Pekerjaan: RPH Surabaya Butuh 3 Orang untuk Posisi Badan Pengawas - Solopos

Lowongan pekerjaan ini dari RPH Surabaya., SURABAYA – Perusahaan Daerah (PD) Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Surabaya yang berada di bawah naungan Pemerintah Kota Surabaya membuka lowongan pekerjaan di sektor Badan Pengawas (Bawas). Kepala Bagian Administrasi Perekonomian dan Usaha Daerah Chalid mengatakan penyediaan daging bagi masyarakat merupakan bagian dari pelayanan pemkot sehingga perusahaan RPH perlu pengawasan dalam pengurusan penyediaan jasa pemotongan hewan. "Karena daging itu adalah kebutuhan pokok masyarakat, maka pelayanannya harus baik dan pemkot menyediakan fasilitas ini," katanya dalam siaran pers, Selasa (31/10/2017). Chalid menjelaskan proses seleksi calon pegawai akan dilakukan oleh bagian Perekonomian dan Usaha Daerah Pemkot Surabaya. Jumlah formasi yang dibutuhkan adalah 3 orang untuk menjadi bawas. "Nanti fungsi utama calon bawas RPH adalah mengontr...

Lowongan Kerja:Cek di Sini! Lowongan Kerja Terbaru BUMN Konstruksi - Bisnis

Image, Jakarta - Sedang mencari kerja? Ingin menjadi pegawai Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN)? Persiapkan diri Anda, karena BUMN Konstruksi, PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) kembali membuka lowongan kerja hingga 7 November 2017 dan 22 Februari 2018 . PT Brantas Abipraya merupakan perusahaan kontraktor BUMN yang sedang berkembang pesat, dengan core business proyek-proyek bidang ke-airan (Bendungan, Dam, Jaringan Irigasi, dan lain-lain). Saat ini, perusahaan sudah berekspansi menangani proyek-proyek di luar ke-airan, yaitu Jalan, Jembatan, Gedung, Dermaga, Bandara, Reklamasi, dan lainnya. Wilayah kerja PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) tersebar di seluruh wila yah Indonesia. Berdasarkan rating majalah Infobank (2015), PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) menempati urutan pertama di sektor konstruksi. Melansir laman resmi PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero), , Rabu (1/1...

Hartsfield-Jackson businesses hiring at job fair - MyAJC

Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport held a job fair Tuesday for more than 2,500 job seekers. At the world's busiest airport's fall job fair held at the Georgia International Convention Center, about 60 companies that operate at the airport were hiring for more than 1,000 jobs. Hartsfield-Jackson holds two job fairs a year. The job openings Tuesday were for cashiers, cooks, accountants and other positions. A career coach helped with online applications, resumes and registration for training. The airport said companies are hiring as Hartsfield-Jackson's $6 billion expansion and modernization project moves forward, creating jobs in construction, project management and engineering. Elizey Penns, who moved to the area three months ago and lives in Lithonia, said he previously worked as a cook. But Tuesday, he was looking for work in construction or another trade, saying he was ...

Job fair to be held Thursday at the Port of Palm Beach - Palm Beach Post

Riviera Beach Looking for a job? A job fair is being held at the Port of Palm Beach on Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the cruise terminal. Interviews will be conducted by Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line, PeopleReady, Palm Beach Parking and U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Available positions at the port, at 1 E. 11th Street, Riviera Beach, include ticket agents, greeters, luggage porters, valet parking attendants, forklift operators and warehouse personnel. Positions available at Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line's Corporate Office in Deerfield Beach include accounting, call center reservations and administration. Bring your resume and dress professionally. Complimentary self-parking will be available. For more information, call the port at 561-383-4100 or PeopleReady at 561-844-5886. Let's block ads! (Why?) ...

Seeking work? Holiday job fair Wednesday in Lacombe -

The holidays are coming and that means some businesses will be hiring seasonal workers. The Career Services Department at Northshore Technical Community College  will hold a seasonal job fair Wednesday (Nov. 1) at the school's campus at 65556 Centerpoint Blvd. north of Lacombe . The event is from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is open to students, alumni, and community members interested in seasonal work. People attending the job fair should bring their resumes. Call Career Services at 985-545-1217 for more information or to RSVP. The email is careerservices@northshorec Let's block ads! (Why?) ...

Veterans job fair planned at Washtenaw Community College -

ANN ARBOR, MI - Hire MI Vet is hosting its third annual employment event for military veterans and their family members at Washtenaw Community College Tuesday, Nov. 7. Don Deatrick, president of Hire MI Vet , said the event from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Morris Lawrence Building, 4800 E. Huron River, will include on-the-spot hiring and interviews with employers like the Michigan Department of Corrections, Quicken Loans, VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System, the city of Ann Arbor and Starbucks. The veteran-focused job fairs started in 2015 after Deatrick was asked as a Rotary Club member to look into how to assist Washtenaw County veterans with employment after seeing a need in the community. "We had noticed veterans coming back and they were falling in the cracks as far as finding jobs," Deatrick said. "Veterans are looking for two things, first, health care, and second, they're ...

Housing and job fair offers 'HOPE' for northwest Philly | News ... - The Philadelphia Tribune

PHOTOS: HOPE Housing Conference & Job Fair State Representative Isabella Fitzgerald and Philadelphia City Council members hosted the Home Ownership Prosperity Employment (H.O.P.E) Northwest Housing Conference & Job Fair Saturday October 28, 2017.  PHOTOS BY ERIC MOODY/ TRIBUNE CORRESPONDENT State Representative Isabella Fitzgerald and Philadelphia City Council members hosted the Home Ownership Prosperity Employment (HOPE) Northwest Housing Conference and Job Fair on Saturday at the West Oak Lane Charter School. State Representative Stephen Kinsey, State Senator Art Haywood, Councilwoman Cherelle Parker and West Oak Lane CDC joined Fitzgerald in sponsoring the annual event. The conference provided free information and available hands-on resources for individuals seeking knowledge on owning a home. The conference featured workshops for cu...

Lowongan Kerja:Top 3: Buruan Daftar, Perusahaan Besar Ini Buka Lowongan Kerja - Bisnis

Image, Jakarta Siapa yang tak ingin berkarier di perusahaan besar dan ternama di Indonesia? Tentu semua orang, termasuk Anda tak dapat menolak bukan. Selain memiliki kebanggaan sendiri, berkarier di perusahaan besar memiliki beragam kelebihan yang menguntungkan bagi pegawainya. Lalu, apa saat ini Anda sedang mencari pekerjaan di perusahaan besar? Tenang, telah merangkum beberapa perusahaan yang membuka lowongan kerja hingga November 2017 nanti, seperti ditulis Selasa (31/10/2017). Demikian petikan artikel yang paling banyak dibaca di Kanal Bisnis pada Selasa (31/10/2017) sore. Selain itu ada juga artikel lain yang menarik perhatian. Berikut 3 artikel paling populer di Kanal Bisnis 1. Perusahaan Besar Ini Sedang Mencari Karyawan, Yuk Daftar Siapa yang tak ingin berkarier di perusahaan besar dan ternama di Indonesia? Tentu semua orang, termasuk...

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Ini Info Lowongan Pekerjaan Terbaru, Simak Pula Tips Bahasa Tubuh Saat Wawancara Kerja - Banjarmasin Post

BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID, BANJARMASIN - Diterima bekerja pada perusahaan idaman merupakan kebanggan tersendiri bagi para pencari kerja. Memiliki IPK tinggi dan segudang pengalaman tidak menjamin dengan mudah diterima bekerja di suatu perusahaan. Agar sukses diterima bekerja, proses wawancara adalah kunci utamanya. Tidak hanya CV, bahasa tubuh juga sangat penting dalam wawancara kerja. Dilansir dari intisari online, berikut enam bahasa tubuh yang bisa membantu wawancara kerja : 1. Kontak mata Ini merupakan hal yang paling penting yang harus diperhatikan oleh para kandidat. Melakukan kontak mata dengan pewawancara, membuat pewawancara merasa bahwa kamu memperhatikan semua p ernyataannya. Baca: Inilah Motor Terberat di Dunia, Pakai Mesin Tank Perang Dunia II, Ada yang Bisa Mengendarai? 2. Tersenyum Hal kedua adalah tersenyum, namun bukan berarti kamu harus tersenyum sepanjang waktu, karena itu ...