
Showing posts from April, 2016

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Kemensos Buka Lowongan Pekerjaan, Bagi Tenaga Pendamping dan Operator PKH - Bontang Post

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Bontang Post Kemensos Buka Lowongan Pekerjaan , Bagi Tenaga Pendamping dan Operator PKH Bontang Post BONTANG – Kabar gembira bagi warga yang selama ini masih menganggur dan bingung mencari kerja. Kementrian Sosial (Kemensos) membuka kesempatan untuk menjadi tenaga Pendamping dan Operator Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) 2016 Kota ... Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Job fair for veterans this Wednesday - WOWT

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - More than 80 employers are scheduled to attend the Hero2Hired career fair for veterans Wednesday in Lincoln. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Lancaster Event Center at North 84th Street and David Murdock Trail. It's free and open to active-duty service members, National Guard and reserve members, veterans, their spouses and working-age dependents. The Nebraska Department of Labor will provide resume assistance at an employment workshop scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. Attendees are encouraged to upload their resumes in before the event. Veterans and employers can register online through . Walk-ins are welcome. Let's block ads! (Why?) Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe ...

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Hal-Hal Pembuat Galau Saat Cari Kerja - Okezone

JAKARTA - Lulusan perguruan tinggi kian banyak, tetapi lapangan kerja justru menyempit. Akibatnya, banyak fresh graduate galau karena belum mendapat kesempatan kerja meski sudah berupaya maksimal. Di antara berbagai upaya tersebut, beberapa hal ini pasti sering dilakukan fresh graduate dan tidak jarang menjadi sumber kegalauan mereka saat masih menganggur. Kirim banyak lamaran Demi mendapatkan peluang kerja selebar mungkin, fresh graduate pun mengobral berkas lamaran kerja ke banyak perusahaan sekaligus. Nyatanya, meski sudah sibuk menyiapkan dan mengirimkan setumpuk dokumen, kegalauan melanda mengingat tidak ada satu pun perusahaan menghubungi untuk memberi kesempatan wawancara. Jika menghadapi situasi ini, jangan putus harapan. Atur strategi agar lamaran pekerjaan yang dikirimkan bisa tepat sasaran. Belum dapat kepastian Beberapa minggu berlalu sejak berkas lamaran kerja dikirimkan, masih tetap tidak ada jawaban dari perusahaan idaman. Tid...

Hundreds attend San Bernardino City Unified job fair - San Bernardino County Sun

SAN BERNARDINO >> On a gray and drizzly Saturday morning, the parking lot of Indian Springs High School was packed. Inside, hundreds of adults filled the school's multipurpose room and gymnasium, looking to fill an estimated 200 job openings across San Bernardino City Unified. "We have a teacher shortage across the nation ," said Perry Wiseman, the district's assistant superintendent of human resources. "We've been working to make sure we have enough employees on July 1," the formal start of the 2016-17 school year, although classes don't begin until Aug. 1 . The district has about 200 openings currently, leading officials to hold their first job fair in about a decade. "We're looking to offer 30 to 40 contracts today" to teachers, Wiseman said, especially for special education, math and science teachers. San Bernardino County's unemployment rate was 5.6 percent in March , according to...

Wichita job fair geared toward helping ex-offenders find work - KAKE

Stay up-to-date with KAKE News: WICHITA, Kan. --- Finding a job is often a stressful process. For applicants with criminal records, it can be nearly impossible. That's why a job fair this weekend at Saint Mark United Methodist Church in Wichita is specifically geared toward putting felons to work. Around 200 ex-offenders got the chance to connect with employers that are open to hiring people who've been incarcerated. "I've been feeling really anxious, it's been hard to figure out what to do, what to do next," said Donna Thomas, who was released from prison a week ago. Thomas served 16 months at the Topeka Correctional Facility for possession of meth. "Everything came crashing down. I went through a divorce, lost my kids," Thomas said. "You turn to drugs to cope with the pain." Now on the path to recovery, Thomas is hitting roadblocks when she tries to apply for jobs. She says prospect...

Summer Youth Job Fair is today - Toledo Blade

Print Story Published: Saturday, 4/30/2016 BLADE STAFF The city of Toledo's annual youth job fair for 16-to-24-year-olds will be today. The free Summer Youth Job Fair runs is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at SeaGate Convention Centre downtown. Last year, about 1,000 students attended the job fair. The age eligibility criteria was increased this year from 21 to 24. Guidelines: Please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. If a comment violates these standards or our privacy statement or visitor's agreement , click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report abuse. To post comments, you must be a Facebook member. To find out more, please visit the FAQ . Let's block ads! (Why?) Put the internet to work for you. ...

Hawaii's first ever state job fair to be held in May - Pacific Business News (Honolulu)

[unable to retrieve full-text content] Pacific Business News (Honolulu) Hawaii's first ever state job fair to be held in May Pacific Business News (Honolulu) Representatives from the University of Hawaii and the Hawaii State Library system will also participate from the Job Fair . "We're hoping that those with work experience as well as recent college graduates will stop by and learn about opportunities to ... and more » Put the internet to work for you. Turn off or edit this Recipe

Porterville College Job Fair set for Tuesday - Porterville Recorder

PC: More than 60 firms to take part Porterville College (PC), in conjunction with America's Job Center of California, will hold its Fourth Annual Job Fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday in the PC Gymnasium. Subscription Required An online service is needed to view this article in its entirety. You need an online service to view this article in its entirety. Login Choose an online service. Current print subscribers Need an account? Create one now. You must login to view the full content on this page. Thank you for reading 5 free articles on our site. You can come back at the end of your 30-day period for another 5 free articles, or you can purchase a subscription at this time and continue to enjoy valuable local news and information. If you need help, please contact our office at 559-784-5000. You need an online service to view this article in its en...

Lowongan Kerja:Lowongan Kerja: Ayo Gabung Tribun Network, temukan karirmu di sini! - Tribun Timur

We Grow our Network Dalam menghadapi pertumbuhan bisnis media digital yang semakin pesat, Tribun Network senantiasa mengembangkan diri dengan berbagai inovasi untuk mendukung kemajuan perusahaan sesuai tuntutan zaman, antara lain dengan membentuk Tribun Lifestyle, Tribun Travel, dan Tribun Jual Beli. Young professional at Kota Batik Kami membutuhkan para profesional yang kompeten, dinamis, kreatif, dan jujur untuk ditempatkan di area  Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. United with Us! The Leading Media Company merupakan salah satu portal online yang tergabung dalam kelompok Kompas Gramedia. Tribunnews memiliki 26 kanal berita online yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Saat ini berada di peringkat ke-2 Portal Berita Terbesar di Indonesia, dengan lebih dari 14.4 Juta visitors per hari, 10.9 Juta Facebook Fan Page Like, serta 1.3 Juta Twitter Followers. Job Vacancy for Editorial (Lifestyle & Travel) Let's block ads!...

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Kemensos Buka Lowongan Pekerjaan, Bagi Tenaga Pendamping dan Operator PKH - Bontang Post

KESEMPATAN: Bagi warga Bontang yang masih menganggur, Kemensos memberikan kesempatan untuk bisa bekerja. (ilustrasi) BONTANG – Kabar gembira bagi warga yang selama ini masih menganggur dan bingung mencari kerja. Kementrian Sosial (Kemensos) membuka kesempatan untuk menjadi tenaga Pendamping dan Operator Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) 2016 Kota Taman . Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan secara online mulai 26 April hingga 8 Mei mendatang. Registrasi dan pengumuman hasil seleksi dilakukan secara online. Melalui laman web di alamat dari pukul 06.00 WIB atau 07.00 Wita hingga 8 Mei mendatang pukul 24.00 WIB atau 01.00 dini hari. Dalam laman tersebut, peserta dapat mengunggah data lamaran secara online. Kabid Sosial Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja (Dissosnaker) Bontang, Sahabuddin mengatakan, jika karir itu langsung berada di bawah penanganan Kementrian Sosial (Kemensos) Republik Indonesia. Kata dia, untuk karir sebagai pendamping PKH, di...

Lowongan Kerja:Fitriani Aniyah, Wanita Cantik Yang Disebut Dalam Lowongan Butuh Donor Sperma - Harian Indo - Berita Hari Ini

Gorontalo – Beberapa waktu yang lalu netizen dibuat heboh dengan munculnya sebuah iklan dimana membutuhkan donor sperma kepada istri seorang lurah di Gorontalo agar bisa hamil setelah delapan tahun pernikahannya belum dikaruniai anak. Seperti patauan tim harianindo pada salah satu media sosial, Kamis (28/4/2016) iklan ini beredar pertama di Twitter oleh akun yang bernama @imanbr. Pada suatu kesempatan dirinya menuliskan tweet "Lowongan Kerja. Siapa yang mau jadi donor sperma buat istri lurah". Pada tweet itu juga disebutkan jika sang wanita itu bernama Fitriani Aniyah, yang mana sudah 8 tahun menikah dengan Hadi Purwanto yang berprofesi sebagai kepala lurah di Gorontalo. Iklan tersebut pun akan menghadiahkan 10 juta rupiah jika memang sang istri bisa hamil. Untuk syaratnya, bagi pelamar adalah pria dewasa yang belum menikah dan beragama islam. Pengangguran bukanlah masalah, dan rumah akan disediakan oeh Purwanto, dan calon akan tinggal ...

Summer Youth Job Fair is today - Toledo Blade

Print Story Published: Saturday, 4/30/2016 BLADE STAFF The city of Toledo's annual youth job fair for 16-to-24-year-olds will be today. The free Summer Youth Job Fair runs is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at SeaGate Convention Centre downtown. Last year, about 1,000 students attended the job fair. The age eligibility criteria was increased this year from 21 to 24. Guidelines: Please keep your comments smart and civil. Don't attack other readers personally, and keep your language decent. If a comment violates these standards or our privacy statement or visitor's agreement , click the "X" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report abuse. To post comments, you must be a Facebook member. To find out more, please visit the FAQ . Let's block ads! (Why?) Put the internet to work for you. ...

Lowongan Kerja:Lowongan TA Dibuka, Ratusan Pelamar Coba Peruntungan - Bontang Post

HARI TERAKHIR: Para pencari kerja memadati Kantor Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja (Dissosnaker) Bontang selama dua hari ini. Mereka berbondong mendaftar kerja. Salah satunya adalah Jumat (29/4) kemarin. (PRETTY/BONTANG POST) BONTANG – Ratusan calon pelamar kerja tampak memadati Kantor Dinas Sosial dan Tenaga Kerja (Dissosnaker), Jumat (29/4) kemarin. Para pelamar kerja ini mencoba peruntungan, pada lowongan kerja proyek turn around (TA) untuk maintenance pabrik yang sedang dibuka. Kasi Bimbingan Jabatan Dissosnaker Bontang, Muhammad Rusdi mengatakan, sekira 7 perusahaan sub contraktor di PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur dan  Inti Karya Persada Tehnik (IKPT) mencari tenaga outsourching . Tenaga tersebut dibutuhkan untuk shut down dalam rangka maintenance atau perawatan pabrik. "Mereka melamar pekerjaan karena ada TA (Turn Around, red. ) Kaltim V dan beberapa perusahaan. Makanya ramai," kata dia Sudah dibuka sejak Kamis (28/4) dan penutupan pu...