
Showing posts from January, 2015

Lowongan Kerja:Kesempatan Berkarir Account Executive di Harian Jogja - Solopos

Lowongan kerja terbaru di Harian Jogja sebagai Account Executive Surat Kabar Harian Jogja , membuka kesempatan bagi profesional muda yang kreatif dan dinamis untuk mengisi posisi ' Account Executive ' Persyaratan: -S1 segala Jurusan -Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun -Pengalaman di bidang marketing -Mengenal wilayah DIY dan sekitarnya dengan baik -Memiliki SIM A dan C serta kendaraan sendiri -Mengerti Bahasa Inggris -Menyukai tantangan, kreatif, mau bekerja keras, mampu bekerja dalam tekanan dan mampu bekerja sama dengan tim. -Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah DIY Kirim lamaran lengkap ke Bagian SDM Harian Jogja, Jl AM Sangaji No.41 Cokrodiningratan, Jetis,  Yogyakarta atau email ke Tulis kode "AE" untuk Account Executive pada sudut kiri atas amplop atau di subjek email. Paling lambat tanggal 4 Februari 2015. Cantumkan No.Tlp/ HP. Pemanggilan Tes atau Seleksi melalui telp/sms Recommended ar...

HEB to host job fair Tuesday ahead of May grand opening - Brazosport Facts (subscription)

LAKE JACKSON — As the opening of the new H-E-B store in Lake Jackson approaches, the San Antonio-based chain will host its only job fair before the grand opening in May. The job fair will be from 11 a.m., to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Workforce Solutions office, located at 491 This Way. "People who are interested should apply online first and show up on Tuesday," said Maggie Silbas, a volunteer for the H-E-B job fair. H-E-B representatives will be there to answer any questions about the positions available and will also conduct interviews and begin hiring at the job fair. Training for the new hires will begin immediately. People interested in attending can go to and look up the positions that will be available in the new store. "There are quite a few open positions that need to be filled," Silbas said. Attendees are asked to bring a driver's license or state-issued identification and Social Security ca...

More than 250 positions open at job fair in GR -

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Michigan Works! is hosting a job fair Friday on the campus of Grand Rapids Community College. There are more than 250 positions available including general laborers, machine operators, retail managers, health care (licensed and non-licensed), electricians, carpenters, drivers, and substitute teachers. The job fair hosted by Michigan Works! Kent, Allegan, and Barry counties runs from 9-11:30 a.m. Friday at GRCC's M-TEC, located at 622 Godfrey SW in Grand Rapids. Job seekers are asked to bring 20 copies of their resume and dress professionally. The following is a list of the 22 employers who are participating: Apply with Us Staffing Attwood AutoZone Belle Tire Dialog Direct DIG-IT Inc. DJ's Landscape Management Express Employment Professionals Holland Home Hope Network Integrity Educational Services International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers MOKA Page Woodworking Inc. Peoplem...

Lowongan Pekerjaan: Jabatan Fungsional Umum Ramai Peminat - Harian Jogja

Lowongan pekerjaan, Dinkes Kulonprogo menawarkan JFU dan JFT., KULONPROGO- Lowongan pegawai untuk jabatan fungsional umum (JFU) lebih diminati masyarakat ketimbang jabatan fungsional tertentu (JFT). Persyaratan pendidikan minimal disinyalir menjadi penyebabnya. Hal itu tampak saat ratusan pelamar membanjiri kantor Dinas Kesehatan (Dinkes) Kulonprogo untuk mengikuti seleksi penerimaan pegawai non-Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) UPTD Puskesmas dan Dinkes Kulonprogo, Senin (26/1/2015). Pada penerimaan pegawai kali ini terdapat 102 alokasi formasi, yang terdiri dari 61 JFT, meliputi dokter, apoteker, bidan, perawat, perawat gigi, dan sebagainya, serta 41 JFU, meliputi pegawai bidang administrasi keuangan, pendaftaran, umum dan kepegawaian, obat, dan lain-lain. Sekretaris Dinkes Kulonprogo Supriyo Adi Bawono menuturkan pelamar yang berminat cukup banyak, bahkan di luar ekspektasi Dinkes Kulonprogo. "Jumlahnya mencapai ratusan, bahk...

Labor officials to host job fair for new sandwich factory - Washington Times

By - Associated Press - Saturday, January 31, 2015 PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Labor officials are hosting a two-day job fair to help an Irish prepared foods maker hire 100 workers for its new Rhode Island sandwich factory. The state Department of Labor and Training says the recruitment sessions are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday and Tuesday, at the netWORKri Career Center in Providence. Greencore Group's sandwich factory at the Quonset Business Park is expected to open in March. The company plans to eventually hire about 400 full-time employees. It is looking to fill about 100 food production technician positions now. Gov. Gina Raimondo says Greencore is the kind of business the state needs to attract, a company that will create good, middle-class jobs for Rhode Island families. The job fairs are free and open to the public. Recommended article: Chomsky: We Are All – Fill in the Blank . This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS se...

HEB to host job fair Tuesday ahead of May grand opening - Brazosport Facts (subscription)

LAKE JACKSON — As the opening of the new H-E-B store in Lake Jackson approaches, the San Antonio-based chain will host its only job fair before the grand opening in May. The job fair will be from 11 a.m., to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Workforce Solutions office, located at 491 This Way. "People who are interested should apply online first and show up on Tuesday," said Maggie Silbas, a volunteer for the H-E-B job fair. H-E-B representatives will be there to answer any questions about the positions available and will also conduct interviews and begin hiring at the job fair. Training for the new hires will begin immediately. People interested in attending can go to and look up the positions that will be available in the new store. "There are quite a few open positions that need to be filled," Silbas said. Attendees are asked to bring a driver's license or state-issued identification and Social Security ca...

More than 250 positions open at job fair in GR -

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — Michigan Works! is hosting a job fair Friday on the campus of Grand Rapids Community College. There are more than 250 positions available including general laborers, machine operators, retail managers, health care (licensed and non-licensed), electricians, carpenters, drivers, and substitute teachers. The job fair hosted by Michigan Works! Kent, Allegan, and Barry counties runs from 9-11:30 a.m. Friday at GRCC's M-TEC, located at 622 Godfrey SW in Grand Rapids. Job seekers are asked to bring 20 copies of their resume and dress professionally. The following is a list of the 22 employers who are participating: Apply with Us Staffing Attwood AutoZone Belle Tire Dialog Direct DIG-IT Inc. DJ's Landscape Management Express Employment Professionals Holland Home Hope Network Integrity Educational Services International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers MOKA Page Woodworking Inc. Peoplem...

Lowongan Kerja:Kesempatan Berkarir Account Executive di Harian Jogja - Solopos

Lowongan kerja terbaru di Harian Jogja sebagai Account Executive Surat Kabar Harian Jogja , membuka kesempatan bagi profesional muda yang kreatif dan dinamis untuk mengisi posisi ' Account Executive ' Persyaratan: -S1 segala Jurusan -Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 30 tahun -Pengalaman di bidang marketing -Mengenal wilayah DIY dan sekitarnya dengan baik -Memiliki SIM A dan C serta kendaraan sendiri -Mengerti Bahasa Inggris -Menyukai tantangan, kreatif, mau bekerja keras, mampu bekerja dalam tekanan dan mampu bekerja sama dengan tim. -Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah DIY Kirim lamaran lengkap ke Bagian SDM Harian Jogja, Jl AM Sangaji No.41 Cokrodiningratan, Jetis,  Yogyakarta atau email ke Tulis kode "AE" untuk Account Executive pada sudut kiri atas amplop atau di subjek email. Paling lambat tanggal 4 Februari 2015. Cantumkan No.Tlp/ HP. Pemanggilan Tes atau Seleksi melalui telp/sms Recommended ar...

Lowongan Kerja:LOWONGAN CPNS 2015 Inilah Formasi CPNS 2015 yang Dijanjikan Dipenuhi ... - Harian Jogja

Menpan & RB, Yuddy Chrisnandi, disambut hangat para pejabat struktural Pemkot Solo saat berkunjung ke Loji Gandrung, Laweyan, Solo, Sabtu (31/1/2015). (Tri Rahayu/JIBI/Solopos) Lowongan CPNS 2015 belum jelas waktu pelaksanaannya. Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokasi (Menpan & RB) menjanjikan akan membuka 827 lowongan CPNS Solo., SOLO — Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Menpan & RB), Yuddy Chrisnandi, berjanji memenuhi permohonan 827 l owongan calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) untuk lima formasi di Kota Solo pada 2015. Janji Menpan & RB tersebut disampaikan di hadapan puluhan pejabat struktural Pemkot Solo saat pengarahan di Loji Gandrung, Laweyan, Solo, Sabtu (31/1/2015). Berikut ini daftar usulan formasi CPNS 2015 1 Fungsional khusus (pekerja seni wayang orang Sriwedari)  80 orang 2 Tenaga teknis umum honorer kategori II (K2) 509 orang 3 Tenaga medis (do...

Lowongan Kerja:Express Group Buka Lowongan Untuk Peserta Nikah Massal Gratis YPK - Bisnis Indonesia

Image, JAKARTA -- PT Express Transindo Utama Tbk (Express Group) ikut berpartisipasi pada acara Pernikahan Massal 2014/2015  dan  memberikan lapangan pekerjaan bagi para pasangan yang telah menikah secara hukum dan mendapatkan identitas diri tersebut. Acara pernikahan masal tersebut diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Pondok Kasih (YPK), Harmoni Cinta Indonesia (HCI), dan Rajawali Foundation serta didukung oleh Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, Dinas Pembinaan Mental TNI AD, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), Rajawali Televisi (RTV), dan Pundi Amal SCTV di Istora Senayan, Selasa (28/1/2015). Keikutserataan perusaan jasa transportasi tersebut  sebagai bentuk kepedulian Express Group terhadap peningkatan kualitas kehidupan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia. "Acara ini sangat penting untuk didukung karena bertujuan untuk membantu pasangan yang ingin menikah tetapi berasal dari ekonomi yang kurang mendukung dan juga tidak memiliki identitas diri. Jik...

Lowongan Pekerjaan: LOWONGAN PEKERJAAN Pemkot Solo-Unisri Siapkan Job Fair untuk 6.000 ... - Solopos

Berkah Job Fair 2014 di Solo Baru, Kamis (16/10/2014). (Ardiansyah Indra Kumala/JIBI/Solopos) Lowongan pekerjaan coba dihimpun Pemkot Solo untuk 6.000 pemegang kartu kuning. Job fair bakal digelar dengan kerja sama bersama Unisri., SOLO — Dinas Sosial, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Dinsosnakertrans) Solo bekerja sama dengan Universitas Slamet Riyadi (Unisri) dalam pelaksanaan job fair . Lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia dalam job fair itu diharapkan bisa maksimal dimanfaatkan para pencari kerja. Kepala Dinsosnakertrans Solo Sumartono Karjo menyampaikan pelaksanaan job fair ini hanya 50%-60% peserta yang datang dari total tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan. Dia mencatat saat ini ada sekitar 6.000 orang pengangguran tapi berdasarkan versi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat ada 16.000 pengangguran di Kota Bengawan. Sedangkan, pencari kartu kuning tercatat 1.500 orang-2.000 orang atau rata-rata 100 orang-150 orang pencari kartu kuning per ...

HEB to host job fair Tuesday ahead of May grand opening - Brazosport Facts (subscription)

LAKE JACKSON — As the opening of the new H-E-B store in Lake Jackson approaches, the San Antonio-based chain will host its only job fair before the grand opening in May. The job fair will be from 11 a.m., to 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Workforce Solutions office, located at 491 This Way. "People who are interested should apply online first and show up on Tuesday," said Maggie Silbas, a volunteer for the H-E-B job fair. H-E-B representatives will be there to answer any questions about the positions available and will also conduct interviews and begin hiring at the job fair. Training for the new hires will begin immediately. People interested in attending can go to and look up the positions that will be available in the new store. "There are quite a few open positions that need to be filled," Silbas said. Attendees are asked to bring a driver's license or state-issued identification and Social Security ca...

Waterville library to host job fair, free workshop - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

Waterville Public Library will host a job fair from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11, at 73 Elm St., Waterville. Participating hiring employers include Arcadia New England, Assistance Plus, BONNEY Staffing, Care & Comfort, EMHS — Sebasticook Valley Health, Inland, Lakewood, Hannaford, Home Care for Maine, Johnny's Selected Seeds, Maine Staffing Group, Manpower, Motivational Services Inc., Pine State Trading Co., SKILLS Inc., Spectrum Generations and several more, according to a news release from the library. In conjunction with the job fair, a free How to Make the Most of a Job Fair Workshop for job seekers who wish for some pointers on what to do at a job fair will be offered from 2 to 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 4, also at the library. To register for this workshop, call 680-2603. The job fair is co-sponsored by the Waterville Public Library Business & Career Center, Kennebec Valley Community Action Program, Augusta Careercenter...

Labor officials to host job fair for new sandwich factory - Washington Times

By - Associated Press - Saturday, January 31, 2015 PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) - Labor officials are hosting a two-day job fair to help an Irish prepared foods maker hire 100 workers for its new Rhode Island sandwich factory. The state Department of Labor and Training says the recruitment sessions are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday and Tuesday, at the netWORKri Career Center in Providence. Greencore Group's sandwich factory at the Quonset Business Park is expected to open in March. The company plans to eventually hire about 400 full-time employees. It is looking to fill about 100 food production technician positions now. Gov. Gina Raimondo says Greencore is the kind of business the state needs to attract, a company that will create good, middle-class jobs for Rhode Island families. The job fairs are free and open to the public. Recommended article: Chomsky: We Are All – Fill in the Blank . This entry passed through the Full-Text RSS se...